Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Nerd Girl I Don't Deserve You....

I finally sold my handmade crafts at an actual event! After the Hartselle Arts & Crafts Show was cancelled I was a bit bummed but then I ran across Crisiscon; . A nice nerdy event for all the geeks of the South...and being a fan girl myself I knew I would be a hit.
The convention was filled with sci-fi, anime, horror, various cosplay, trivia battles, and gaming. I set up in Artist Alley between a cute couple who created hand sewn Lolita headgear and an anime artist. Even though my crafty goods didn't quite fit into any particular genre I still received a warm welcome.
Once other vendors found out I was new to the circuit they were more than helpful in offering up tips and tricks of their own:
*Stand often
*Rearrange constantly
*Smile continuously
*Always have change for twenties
*Label items clearly
Luckily this was an indoor event and the crowd was not overwhelming. The attendance for the three-day weekend was nearly 300. I bargained with customers, offered free candy, and even included a super cheap clearance bin full of old handmade leftovers. I also listened to customers suggestions:
*Sell pendants without chains
*More variety in pins (even though I was planning on phasing them out)
*Design more interest oriented patterns
Watching the customers reactions to my handmade items made the whole weekend worth it. I had repeat customers buying for friends and family, people who praised the idea of recycling, and others who were shocked that I had an items related to their corner of fandom. This was a great experience and I look forward to my next craft event in Guntersville, AL this week...Bikers For MDA

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's hotter than a hot ass in hot pink hot pants...

The timing is finally right. My confidence is finally high. My inventory is finally enough. I FINALLY feel ready to dive into crafting as a full-time job. I have an event to attend and sell my wares nearly every weekend until November.

I have decided to try this out for a year and see how it pans out. I am hoping to inspire others who follow me during these future ups and downs. I will be happy to share info on how to get into shows, setting up your event space, pricing products, and even how to deal with vendor drama. But most importantly this experience is going to be about making connections and selling your own handmade goodies to people who truly want them...want them enough to pay money for them :)

My first official show will be held in Hartselle, Alabama. Its the 1st Annual Recreation Celebration and Craft Show held on July 31, 2010. Bring it on!! BittersweetBoo is ready!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's like ten thousand spoons and you need is a knife....

I started to learn how to stamp metal and have completely fallen in love with this form of artwork...the ideas are endless for jewelry making (and beyond!) plus who doesn't like to bang up stuff with a hammer!! It's soo relaxing! lol I'm really crossing my fingers that this will be something I can play with for a long time and never get bored...I've even started making stretchy pearl bracelets with ironic saying/images...they amuse me hehehehe
Moving On:
I want to take the time to say woot woot; I finally applied for college and will hopefully be starting my online classes this fall. I'll be attending Calhoun Community College in Alabama to pursue a Business degree to get myself rolling on the way to becoming an entrepreneur. I'm excited and nervous to finally be taking this step but it is what needs to be done :) so there! Check out this awesome site: It really is a kick in the pants to help you understand your value and worth and to get what you want and deserve as a woman. It's a helpful site full of financial advice, tips for spending, and other questions about business we all seem to wonder...rock it ladies!

People from the Public:
I work for a company that remodels bathrooms and my job is to generate interest in the product by talking to the public. Just the other day I worked at the Senior Expo...aka an old persons convention. I was forced to hold in my laughter while watching the old people assume that anything on a table is a free giveaway (stealing coffee mugs, pens, bowls that actual hold freebies, & even half eaten candy bars). I stood around talking to a lady that resembled a mechanical octopus (4-legged walker, 2 human legs, and just in case those all failed she had 2 backup canes) about how mean her family was to her for not letting her stay up past 8pm so she could watch Jay Leno; part way through this conversation she asked if I knew if she came with her daughter and demanded to know where she was (as if I was hiding her behind a curtain)! Another woman was a volunteer helping clean up after the vendors breakfast....she saw I had a tattoo peeking out from my uniform sleeve and asked how many shots it took to numb such a large area....she was serious....and
confused/disgusted after I corrected the way, this is the tattoo (still to be colored).

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Like the Scream of the Butterfly....

I'm going to make the leap...I want, need, and crave to run my own business...I am so sick of taking orders from others...I'm tired of knowing I would do a more efficient job that would be worth my while...I'm burnt out on putting on a uniform and smiling to simply pay the bills...

I'm so inspired by the women that are able to take charge and run their own business while still keeping hold of family and social values....I absolutely love reading the 'Quit Your Day Job' articles at I know not all of them are about women but the majority of individually run craft/art businesses seem to be headed up by women. I think that's wonderful! I want to be one of those women because I think I deserve it....

Step 1: Game plan...aka a business plan.
This is something I have been tinkering with on and off for 2 years now...I have been selling my art and crafts since I was about 8 to kids around the block....after my son was born I didn't want to go back to work but with bills coming in I didn't think I'd have a choice...I did however quit and come back to my job about 3 times to experiment with staying at home and finding money....I would sell on ebay, have numerous yard sales, budget like a bitch (which I still do compulsively), and started modeling...then my sister introduced me to the site, Etsy. I started out making hair flopped...I made purses and totes...this flopped....I make baby blankets and aprons...this also flopped...but just in the last couple of years I found my love in a simple bottle cap...Now I make necklaces and bracelets (amoung other oddities) using recycled bottle caps from local bars (and drinking buddies hehehe)...I'm receiving great feedback and best of all I've been introduced to the festival/fair/event crowds through a new job I've had since November 09 (yes...a uniform is involved)...this has been the most thrilling experience ever...I love gathering instant feedback from customers...I love talking with other vendors...I love the fun atmosphere...So here I go to explore this further and with it I will explore my own ability to stay afloat :)

Step 2: Go back to school.
I'm kicking myself now that 5 years ago I had the chance to go to college but back then I felt I had no need for it....I'd rather hold a steady job and live with my boyfriend (now hubby)...Now I understand the benefit of furthering my education not just for the simple fact of learning but also so that I may be taken more seriously in the world of business....frankly, it just looks good (and feels good) to hold up a degree with your name on it.

This is really just the beginning....I feel am only just touch the tip of my own personal reinvention.....but to those also looking for a way out of the daily grind I can give you this to take with you....never ever give up on that dream...hold on to it and keep will be more than worth it in the end :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Oh Hell Yeah I'm from the South...Oh Hell Yeah I Got a Dirty Mouth....

Yay yay yay! *dances around* My hubbys band, Bastard Fish, were finally able to play a gig at a bar in Huntsville, AL. Whiskey's. This was a big deal considering they've been newbies on the scene hopping around from random outdoor events and local house parties....The show went really well and they will be returning May 8th....woot! They really want nothing more than to be seen and heard...thus reaching out to more ppl and creating new fans...It's been a year and half since they've formed and they've made progress that I'm proud of...the lyrics are inspiring and very in-your-face with the message of being an individual, true to your beliefs....the drums beats bounce your head while the bass rocks your body and the guitar riffs have you shouting out 'Hell Yeah'....

Check them out at for more info and gig spots!

As you can tell I really love my hubby and I'm so excited he's finally following his dream and love for music...this is an example of how everyone should be living their the fullest and for the adventure that will follow :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I've got a ticket for a world where we all belong...

I just finished a book that is a MUST HAVE for every beginning Crafter...'Crafty Superstar' by Grace Dobush....I can not tell you enough how very very helpful this book is....The front cover boasts that it is a book for those who want to '...make crafts on the side, earn extra cash, and basically have it ALL...'. Grace goes into it with simple terms and a confident attitude that you can do it! She breaks it down in a very easy to understand format with tons of form you can copy, advice from other prosperous Crafters, and helpful links. I have had my nose stuck in this book for days and am copying some of the forms as I type :) She goes into the hard to bring up topics like how to balance your crafts, work, friends, and family successfully; how to price your crafts as well as your value; and even how to take on a craft show with having a meltdown. So look it up, buy it, and bow down to the awesomeness that is Crafty Superstar!

I'm working harder now that I have gained new motivation and inspiration toward my crafts. I've been working on more Recycled Bottle cap Necklaces and am setting a deadline for myself. I have a problem with deadlines normally...well lets just face it, I'm a bit of a procrastinator...I will have 30 Capped Necklaces completed & ready for sale on etsy by Feb. 26th....My overall goal is that by Spring I will have enough inventory together to be able to go to an event and set up to sell...and look professional :) I'm super excited and really think I'll be able to do it....Also in the mail I have a special package coming my way full of metal stamping fun....This is something I've been dying to get my hands on and try out....I love the idea of being about to pound on something with a hammer hehehe Plus I'm big into personalizing things and this is perfect! There is no limit to the imagination...yay!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I've got a confession to make...

I'm a HUGE fan of all things bake-able....cakey goods are my favorite and I salivate at any information/ pictures/ gossip that involve flour & sugar...I long to one day have the title of 'Baker' or 'Pastry Chef'....Jumping into a professional kitchen and distributing baked awesomeness is a goal I intend to one day reach...

I'm slightly obsessed (ok ok TOTALLY obsessed) with Retro Bakery's blog, Based in Las Vegas...I would totally plan a trip out there just visit the shop if my hubby didn't think I was completely crazy....I just love how she shares the inner workings of her shop and problems she faces through out the day, the stress and/or drama within, and the pictures of beautiful cakes (like the bullet bday cake *swoon*)!!
So, with that being said....I am appointing this as one of my goals to reach...for me and my happiness :) Ta da!